Saturday 29th November
Youth Ride
Not everyone could make it today, which was a shame as it was a beautiful morning. Damian, Sarah A, Luke, Toni and Tom A were all off to Lee Valley for a track session but we struggled on without them. Nico and Hope headed off with Claire, Katy and Nicky, while Clare M and I were joined by Calvin and Hannah. We tackled a version of the KVG Club 25 ride with a couple of extra hills thrown in at the end. We took advantage of the small group to practise changing position in the group on the go and eating and drinking. I'm sure Calvin can ride one handed so maybe he didn't have anything in his pocket?? We were greeted enthusiastically along the way by other cyclists out enjoying the sunshine. When we got back, the short ride had finished and headed home, no punctures or incidents this week so very successful riding. Calvin and Hannah rode 24 miles at an average speed of 14 mph.
Go Ride
It's getting towards that time when everyone who should be riding their bike is either at a school fayre or a Christmas party. So, it was great to see ten riders at Go Ride this afternoon. We focussed on essential Go Ride skills such as picking up and putting down objects and getting under really low limbo bars. We finished off by tackling some of our favourite obstacles including the see-saws. Our final activity was a team relay over a varied course which pulled together all the skills we'd been working on.
Well done to everyone who took part in our last Go Ride session of 2014
Next week 6th December: Youth Ride 9.30am. No Go Ride as Stocks Green have their School Fayre.
Saturday 13th December: BMX at Cyclopark
Sunday 21st December: Pimp by Bike Christmas Ride - TBC
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