Saturday 9 September 2017

Saturday 9th September 2017 - Tonbridge to Penshurst Off Site Ride

Things have been a little slow to get going this term but finally this morning arrived and it was time to don my KVK jersey again.  I must admit I was excited at the prospect of catching up with everyone after the holidays.

It was a good turnout; Michele had already offered to take the less experienced riders but looking around I realised that most of these have moved up a category now.  It was looking like Michele would not get to play at the park after all ;-)

We split into two groups, Calvin headed off with the older riders (Mathys, Joel, Nico and Eloise, accompanied by Christophe, Nico and Sarah.  Sarah was riding her new bike (with motorised assistance) which basically means we now have a motor pacer in the club!

On top of the world in the sunshine
The rest of the riders headed out with Jez leading, me floating and Michele back marking. A natural split soon developed which meant we could relax at the back while Jez, Hannah and Gary tried to keep the kids on a leash.  Those summer holidays really have done them good and they were raring to go.

Leon, Franklin, Alice and Thomas rode steadily and we caught the other group at the escarpment where they were attempting to ride up the steep incline, which has become more rutted recently so really is quite tricky. Before we got to the Col de Penshurst (Northern Approach) I gave the younger riders the option to decline the climb but not of them of did and that's how we all came to be on top of the world eating sweeties on a beautiful Autumn day.  Everyone rode well, with a few firsts that I know of; Alice (our youngest rider on the day) made it to the top, Franklin re-started a few times so he could make it to top without stopping and Joel rode up with the older riders for the first time.  It was also the first KVK outing for Oliver's new cross bike and Alice and Ella's first Off Site Ride with us.  I'll have to stop there.

Well done to everyone who rode today (youngsters and adults) what a great way to start the term.  Look forward to seeing you again soon. 

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