Saturday 15 February 2020

15th February, KVK defeats Storm Dennis

Ok so plans had to change this morning; an Amber weather warning and predictions of dangerous gusts meant we decided to keep everyone on site.  Despite it being the first weekend of half term we had our usual enthusiastic bunch of riders, undeterred by the windy conditions.

We kicked off with a Club Run Pairs drill.  We'd split the riders into two groups; the riders working on the smaller playground worked really hard on keeping their group together and there was lots of communication.  On the main playground, the need for speed, eclipsed technique, so a good start but some more work needed!

Tight and tidy, great group riding

Need for speed getting in the way of skill ;-)

We moved onto slow and one handed riding as a warm up for teddy and bottle pick activities.  It was a good job the winds didn't develop as forecast, we would have been chasing bottles around the playground all morning.

Skills like this take a lot practise and there is always a way to make it more challenging, so time sped and it was soon time to move onto some endurance riding.  

We set up a circuit that included a dismount zone and a feed zone, where riders had to take a bottle and deposit it in a box.  Successful riders gained a point for every bottle they managed to land safely in the box.

After 15 minutes, many bottles had been 'picked', some of those made it into the box.  The sludgy surface had caught a few riders out, so there were quite a few muddy leggings about the place too!

Hannah reveals the bottle scores.............

A good test of speed and skill. After 15 minutes these were the scores:

1st Place - Oliver 9 bottles
2nd Place - Bronnie 8 bottles
Joint 3rd Place - Zach & Jess 7 bottles
Joint 4th Place - Fin, Ivo, Wilbur & Fraser 6 bottles
Fifth Place - Alice 4 bottles
Joint 6th Place - Thomas & Ewan 3 bottles

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