Saturday 22 February 2020

Saturday 22nd February 2020

It actually seemed windier to me this weekend when I looked out of my window this morning; I decided against packing the feather flag ;-)

A few more riders this morning took us to fourteen in total and lots of enthusiastic parents.  I'd set up a couple of U turn challenges on the playground, so as they arrived, riders got started on these. As riders get fitter and stronger it's easy to overlook the value of including skills in coaching sessions, we try to continue to give our riders the opportunity to practise the basics, we just have to keep making them more difficult!

As planned, we split the riders leaving our oldest and youngest members on sight to work on everything "cornering".  Meanwhile our mid age/size riders headed off site towards the Col de Coldharbour.  I'd warned them there would be mud but they seemed unperturbed.

Everyone made easy work of the climb, use of gears is getting better.  We had a very short stop at The White House, for a readjustment of clothing and a quick drink (note to self need to practise drinking on the go) before heading off down the bumpy track.

 This is where the mud started; once we'd made it through the thick mud on the approach to the five bar gate we had to negotiate a deep puddle, then it was up the hill. We practised our U turns again on the track approaching the chocolate box cottage and threw in a little hill effort before sending James and Hannah off ahead to check out the bumpy field.

Once they'd given us the all clear, everyone headed off down the hill and made it through the gate, through the mud and eventually to the other side of the field.

Refuelling took place at our traditional pit stop area; Jelly Snakes and chocolate Hobnobs were the order of the day.

We managed a bit of team TT format riding on the way home and of course a couple of laps of the pump track in Westwood.  All in all a good morning's bike riding.  Back at Stocks Green, there was just time for a quick photo then everyone headed off for the rest of their weekend.  I'm just waiting for a full report on the coaching session ;-)

Next week the plan is for everyone to ride off site, in small speed/endurance based groups.  Subject to the water levels on the Penshurst trail we will head that way.

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